In this, one-on one, comprehensive class we cover:
Why, how and when to breastfeed
Normal infant behavior
What to expect when expecting and after delivery, as well as common breastfeeding problems
LGBTQ+ lactation counselling including chestfeeding, gender specific questions
I discuss the importance of when and how to seek help if things don't go according to plan. I will explore breastfeeding myths and truths. This is an especially desirable class if there are other siblings or helpers at home. I pay extra attention to any question or special circumstance you may have. This consult is also ideal for families with multiples, previous breastfeeding problems, or possible production issues like breast surgeries, hormonal issues, etc.
During the consultation I do have a thorough examination of the breast tissue, and if there are any concerns I pay special attention to the tell-tale signs of problems, too.
During the first visit:
Detailed history taking,
Examining and evaluating the baby's oral cavity
Examining and evaluating the mother's breasts/chest for lactation,
Transfer checks for the baby(ies),
Latch-on techniques,
Normal infant behaviour
Exploring the strategies to achieve good breastfeeding/chestfeeding relationship, in addition to your short and long-term breastfeeding goals.
Throughout the consult I will answer your questions as they arise.
During this visit
Detailed history taking,
Examining and evaluating the baby's oral cavity
Examining and evaluating the mother's breasts/chest for lactation,
Transfer checks for the baby(ies),
Latch-on techniques,
Normal infant behavior
Exploring the strategies to achieve good breastfeeding/chestfeeding relationship, in addition to your short and long-term breastfeeding goals
Throughout the consult I will answer your questions as they arise
What you will learn:
A strategy to maximize milk expression
How to build a freezer stash of milk while on maternity leave
How to help your baby to take a bottle with ease
A step-by-step process to make a plan with your employer
Practical tips to ease your transition
Simple strategies to maximize your output
How often and how long you’ll need to pump
The most effective ways to store milk
Tips to stay sane when the pump is driving you crazy
Although induced, adoptive or re-lactation has started to make more appearances in the media, it is not a new concept. Mothers, aunties, and grandmothers around the world have re-lactated to feed their babies for centuries.
Nursing a baby is a very special bond. Breastfeeding is not only putting food into baby's belly, it is about nurturing, it is about reconnecting, finding a language to communicate even when you say nothing at all. However, please remember that like any good, and solid relationship, it may take some work.
I also have had the privilege to work with many adoptive and LGBTQ+ families to achieve their goals to breastfeed their babies regardless of it they give breastmilk to their conceived or adopted babies.
Many breastfeeding challenges will be improved and/or corrected with the first visit, like many good habits this may take some correct practice. In these times or for more challenging issues I may need to see you again.
I normally like to keep-in-touch with my families regularly by text or phone to establish the new techniques, and there is no charge for this. I may also ask you to come to schedule a follow-up.
That 0-3 month old age is hard. You’re meeting their physical needs- eat, sleep, change repeat! But what else can you be doing to help baby developmentally? How can you “play” with them when they are so little? What milestones should they be meeting during this time? Learn this and more alongside some music and rhythm just for baby.
Now that your baby is gaining control over her body, you will see that they are beginning to interact with their world. Your baby’s memory and attention span is increasing, you’ll start to see evidence that they are not only absorbing information but also applying it to her day-to-day activities. These are some important months for cognitive and emotional growth. Learn ways to help baby process, engage/play and express him/herself. Learn this and more alongside some song, rhymes, and music just for baby.
There is so much physical and communication growth taking place in these months! They have learned to sit up, roll over, crawl, pull themselves up in standing position and maybe even walk. These new skills have boosted their confidence, they are ready to learn and be on the move! Learn about developmental toys appropriate for this age, body positioning to encourage transitions, and activities that challenge their thinking skills and more to help baby. While we are still watching for cues from your baby to meet his/her needs, your baby’s is also beginning to use words to communicate with you. Learn how to help your baby with sounds, signs and what you can be doing to encourage them to copy and repeat. Learn this and more along side songs, instrument play and rhymes just for baby.
This is your birth, and you've got this.
From the moment the pregnancy test turns positive, to the first time you lay eyes on your new baby, pregnancy is extraordinary! No matter what sort of birth you are planning, whether that plan goes perfectly, or a new path emerges that you never expected.
Hiring a birth doula means having the tools to greet your birth fully prepared and beautifully supported, with the reassurance that whatever labor brings, you've got this.
Birth doula support means you have the resources you need to rock your birth. To feel confident making well informed choices, for yourself and your baby. Birth doula support provides comfort, encouragement, and compassion exactly when you need it, personalized to you and you family. It means your birthing partner is free to be there just for you without having to worry about anything else. Take your time, work together, cuddle and connect as your baby makes their way into your arms. Let me support you both by taking care of all the practical concerns, answering questions and soothing worries as they come up, and by providing gentle guidance for you both.
It's YOUR labor, soak it up, live in every moment, ENJOY!
Adventure awaits! But first, a babymoon.
The early days of parenthood are so sweet and they come and go so quickly! These are days to savor. Days to be filled with naps, baby snuggles and warm muffins with butter. But the reality is that new families have a lot going on after a baby arrives. Birthing parents are healing from birth and learning to breastfeed/chestfeed/bottle feed. Your birth experience is still fresh in your mind, and your hormones are quickly adjusting. Your fresh new baby is also adjusting to life outside of the womb and the whole family is figuring out how best to care for this new person (who seems to have brought an awful lot of gear with them!) Its easy to see how the postpartum experience could become more stressful than blissful.
The support of a postpartum doula helps to shift the focus back toward healing, snuggling, and nourishing your new normal.
I am there to make sure you get that shower or snack you need. To help with practical tasks like setting up your breast pump, figuring out the baby carrier, or giving baby his first post birth bath. With years of experience, both personally and professionally, I offer insight and suggestions for infant care and feeding and can answer questions as they come up. As your doula, I am there to meet the needs of the whole family by helping with laundry, meal prep, or giving older siblings a bit of one on one time they crave. I've even been known to braid a toddler pig tail or two or come with crafts and games! Sometimes, especially if your road to new parenthood has been bumpy, what you most need is a compassionate ear and a cup of tea. With great support you can allow worries to melt away and truly sink into your babymoon.
Many families want their children to be present for the birth. However, childbirth is an intense event and it is normal for parents to have valid concerns…
“What if they get scared?”
“How can my partner care for them while supporting me?”
“What will they think of the noises I may make?”
“How do I explain everything that is happening?”
“What if we need to transfer?”
A doula for your baby’s sibling(s) is the perfect solution.
A sibling support doula, I am more than just a babysitter. I have a deep knowledge of birth and I am experienced in supporting people through the process.
I will help prepare the siblings about what the big day will be like and what to expect. I am attune to the child’s needs and/or anxieties, and navigate how involved they are ready to be. As labor progresses I provide accurate explanations in terms that are age appropriate.
The birth of a baby at any gestational age is still a birth, and you and your baby are worthy of love, support, and honor. As a bereavement doula, I provided support for all types of loss, without judgement. Facing a decision of duration of life in utero (DOLIU) can be the single most difficult decision a parent can face. I validate you. You are not alone.
As your doula, I am committed to providing you with non-medical support and advocacy before, during and after the birth of your baby. I will help you explore options for the birth of your baby, connecting you with resources and support. I will walk this journey alongside you, as you prepare for your baby's birth, welcome your baby on their birthday, create memories and keepsakes, and say farewell to your precious little one.
I will provide you with private birth education so that you won’t have to learn about pregnancy and childbirth in a public group setting. The education given is specific to your situation. I will prepare you for the situation in which the pregnant mother allows and is made through the adoption plan set forth, including: your presence in the birth room, your involvement during the birth, what happens immediately after the birth, and initial postpartum support. If the mother has decided on adoption after the birth, I will help navigate the many questions new families face in navigating this new relationship. Including health/vaccine/circumcision questions, bonding, and more. If the mother has moved to a parenting plan, I will provide you with one visit to discuss the feelings you may have, and outline what the contract you two have built means for the next pregnancy in your adoption journey.
There is the option that the pregnant mother will be receptive to also receiving support from me; specific boundaries and expectations in this situation will be set forth by me. It is extremely important to know that allowing me to support the pregnant mother through her birth experience does not guarantee that the mother will go forth with an adoption decision. What it does, however, is allow for the mother to experience totally unbiased and unconditional support. I offer pregnancy and birth support, and this is not conditional upon an adoption decision. This gives the mother the freedom to explore her choices and work through her needs with the information and support, because of the freedom to work through every aspect of needs and concerns, makes for more confidents in the parenting or adoption decision that they do decide to make.